Now is the time for State Scholarship Chairs to provide information to eligible students about the SAR Scholarships-The Corrie Whitlock Scholarship and the SAR Life Membership Scholarship. Each is a $1,000 Scholarship sent directly to the winner’s school. (The number of scholarships to be awarded annually shall be determined by the Finance Committee.)
Both scholarships are open to all college sophomores, juniors or graduating seniors for use during their junior, senior or graduate studies of college. Each state within the SAR may submit one application to be considered for both scholarships.
In order to apply, the student must be majoring in one of the following fields of study: Horticulture; Floriculture; Landscape Design; Botany; Plant Pathology; Biology; Forestry; Agronomy; Environmental Concerns; City Planning; Land Management and/or Allied Subjects.
Applications may be obtained from the SAR Scholarship Chair, SAR website, NGC website or from the Scholarship Chair of each state in the region. Completed applications must be sent to the State Scholarship Chair by February 1. Each State Scholarship Chair must have their state winner’s application to the SAR Scholarship Chair by March 1.