Special Awards



Judy Barnes, Director

Plant, Protect, and Preserve our South Atlantic Region; Its national parks, state parks, public lands and community spaces.

There are many ways we, as SAR members, can contribute to the beauty of our lands. From picking up litter to educating the public on the plants that thrive in our 5 state regions, to working in public areas to repair and replace damaged plants.

It is our responsibility to take the lead and Plant, Protect, and Preserve our South Atlantic 

To encourage our clubs an award has been established by the South Atlantic Region Director, Judy Barnes and is in effect for the two years of her term.  A $100.00 Award will be presented in 2018 and one in 2019 to the clubs who have shown the most effort in Protecting and Preserving our public lands.

  Club must be a member in good standing of its state organization.

·        Application should be sent to the State SAR Director’s Project Chairman. That Chairman will select one entry to forward to the SAR Director’s Project Chairman.

·        The application should contain a description of the project, the club members involved and any outside organization assistance (monetary or physical).

·        The Application should be no more than 3 pages, one side only. It may include pictures (preferably before and after), and any published information such as newspaper or other media coverage.

·        Applications may be submitted electronically.

·        Deadline for submission to the State Chairman is December 1.

·        Deadline for State Chairman to submit application to the SAR Chairman is January 10.

·        Awards will be presented at the SAR Regional Meetings in 2018 and 2019.